Rain's Quote
My first interaction with forex was GBP/JPY, but more deep involved with forex, I learn that it's not about how you make a lot of profit, it's not about how fast you will gaining hundreds of pips. It's all about how you dealing with your psychological factors, how you manage your risk and stabilize your profit. It's true that GBP/JPY could give you hundreds of pips in an hour or less but it could take your all margin either.A fiew month ago, I decided reduce my trade in GBP/JPY and try to play in EUR/USD,It's hard time when I must learn new behaviour becouse trading in EUR/USD is not same thing dealing with GBP/JPY. EUR/USD has own rhythm. Based on that I decided to make this blog, I want to share with everyone about my journey to change my behaviour and I hope,you can feel the same thing, that it's not too late to learn something new and there is always new things to learn in forex market. Don't stop learn,once you stop it is same thing that you are dead. There is a lot thing I want to write but my limitation in english make it hard to me to wrtite, but I don't want give up. I believe, someday english would not be my constraints to write and share with you. My motto : Learn First, Wealth Will Follow.
Sebelumnya saya mohon maaf pada semua pengunjung blog ini, karena cukup lama saya (karena berbagai alasan) tidak melakukan update.
Untuk kedepannya blog ini akan saya update lagi, tapi dalam bahasa Indonesia (ternyata lebih capek mikir translate daripada mikir candlestick hahahahaha ). Tapi,pada hakekatnya, isi dari blog ini tetaplah sama, yaitu merupakan 'catatan terbuka' tentang aktivitas trading saya, tanpa bermaksud menggurui atau memberikan sinyal untuk trading. Terserah bagaimana cara rekan2 semua dalam menyikapi postingan saya, yang pasti tetaplah ingat hal ini : your own money, your own trade and your own risk.
Cukup untuk kali ini, sampai jumpa lain waktu dalam Forex-Dreamer edisi baru :p
Trading of financial instruments involves substantial risk, including complete possible loss of principal plus other losses and is not suitable for all members of the public. This blog discusses my experiences and my style of trading. This blog is for entertainment and educational purposes only. The trades discussed here are MY trades. You make your own trades and you and only you are responsible for your trades. Ideas and opinions discussed on this blog are not in any way recommendations to buy or sell securities or investment advise.
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